
WE ARE LEARNING TO:  read in our heads to help with comprehension.

WE CAN DO THIS WHEN:  we can answer questions about what we have read and summarise the text.

Teacher comments:  Crusoe, I can see that you read to understand.  You are able to tell me what the story is about and answer most of my questions.

Te Reo

Learning Intention: We are learning to sing " Singing In The Rain" and perform the actions.

Success Criteria:
Sing as a group
Listen to others
Join in with the actions

Teacher Comment: Well done singing and performing the actions. It was great to see you doing all the moves.

Maths - Mass

Learning Intention
We are learning to compare the mass of the different sized teddybears

Success Criteria
Weigh the teddybears
Balance the scales
Know the difference between heavy and light objects

Teacher Comment
Great to see you working out how many baby bears you need for 1 papa bear and working out the rest of the answers.